LIK follows C.B.S.E Curriculum, Under The Supervision of the Ministry Of Education and Higher Education, Al Wukair,Doha- Qatar
Welcome to Lovedale International Kindergarten. Admission Started.
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I am delighted to learn that your interest in Lovedale International Kindergarten (LIK) has brought you here! We are honoured and you are delighted!.

Lovedale is a home away from home for any kindergartner who walks into the portals of our school. Children are nurtured in an environment of love, care and compassion where opportunities are created for them to organically grow into respectful, empathetic, global-minded citizens.

In the spirit of inclusive education, we are open to admitting students of all abilities. We work hard to get to know every student within the community, discover his or her personal strengths and interests and guide all of them towards the right paths for growth. There is room for every interest and talent at LIK, regardless of whether this is in science, music, sports, arts, design or more. We are delighted to go on a journey with your children at their pace and at their time.

We assure you that in the years to come LIK would play a significant role in imparting quality education in the Middle East.